Today has been a busy day in my room...
My 4th Grade book club met for the first time and read Iggy Peck Architect. After reading we discussed how Iggy's interest could have been fostered instead of stifled by his teachers. Then we focused on the quote, "Young Iggy Peck is an architect and has been since he was two, when he built a great tower-in only an hour-with nothing but diapers and glue." The kids thought this was hilarious and got into a discussion about how difficult a diaper tower would be to implement. They were then given the task of drawing a blueprint for a tower made of diapers and glue. This assignment fostered a discussion on domes and the support that design brings to a structure. Luckily for that group I have a bag of leftover diapers in my garage.... I can't wait to see if they can really make a diaper tower tomorrow.

They were asked to illustrate this simile from the story:
Happiness deflates like a balloon with the smallest tear.
I am excited to hear the explanations of their interpretation of this simile tomorrow!
2nd grade is working on Touchphonics and short i CVC words. There was a moment during our time together that I was thankful for 2 things...
1) 2nd grade innocence
2) no one else could hear us
I asked my kiddos to spell KID. They built the word with letters and unfortunately one of my kiddos built them backwards. I then said, "touch each letter and say each sound" ... because that's the procedure and when you get in the habit of a procedure you just keep going, right? The theory being that when they touch the letters and say the sounds they will be able to blend into a word OR find the mistake and self correct. The student said each sound. Another student shot us a strange look and then said, "Um, I think that's backwards." My thought at the moment... abort mission, abort mission! Lesson learned, always read a word backwards and forwards before presenting for Touchphonics.
While working with a group in the 5th grade hallway today, I noticed many kids walking to pack up with strained muscles and stacks of books. It looked more like they were lifting weights than getting ready to go home. I am totally on board with AVID and the binders, but doesn't THIS look like a little bit too much? Maybe the kids should have backpacks with wheels to roll around? ...Maybe I'm just a weakling.
Thus concludes today's edition of Random Ransom Ramblings.... until next time.
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