One of my favorite events from the week was the videoconferencing with real life coding specialists. The students got to see real people whose occupations center around their use of coding. We heard from people that create video games, websites, and library media pages. Students had time to ask questions and were exposed to a plethora of new vocabulary. Though I must admit, the one question ALL kids wanted to ask was if the people had worked on creating Minecraft. Unfortunately, we didn't have that hook up... maybe next year? These people all volunteered their time and the response was amazing! I heard a second grader commenting that the job sounded like " much fun. I want that job when I grow up!" One 4th grader said that coding sounds like her "dream job."
The students were given a tic-tac-toe board on Monday full of coding activities. Many students have already completed three activities and are currently working on a blackout. The kids are having so much fun coding that parents are asking for lists of websites and apps for them to use at home. Teachers were also provided with unplugged activities to share with their class. The students have played games that teach them about giving clear directions much like we give to a computer when we code. Some classes have these activities displayed around their rooms. When asked, the students go into long explanations about the activities and what they learned.
Thursday was full of collaboration as we connected via videoconferencing with other schools around Plano! The students discussed their coding experiences from the week and asked further questions. The kids couldn't believe, "That's really a different class at a different school?!?!"
Here we are, at the end of the week... and at 1:30 today we have invited the entire community to join us at Christie Elementary for our Hour of Code event. We are hoping that we will use all of our available devices because of the large number of parents and community members that will be in a our school coding together. Our teachers will be tweeting about their students coding progress using #CubsCode.
We have already come a long way in bridging the gap between our current educational system and the rest of the world. Technology is here. We have now embraced it!
I cannot wait to see where we go with our students next semester and next year!
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