Friday, September 5, 2014

Kids be Stressin'

Today's Assignment: Write a paragraph about your first day of school.

Student Sample:

Should a student really be walking in on the first day already wondering how/if they will pass? Talk about pressure!

The silver lining? ...Each of the 5th grade paragraphs had one thing in common.... their teacher made them feel at ease. They each explained in different words that their teacher's smile and morning greeting made all of their nerves subside. Great job teachers! Kids shouldn't walk in on the first day afraid of failure... they should be concerned about how to find their locker and what time they go to lunch.

You never know how much of an impact a simple smile and hello can make. Keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Kristin,

    I knew you would be a great reading specialists. Keep reflecting on this blog. Great therapy for you; great reading for us.
